80+ ‘Favourite’ Writing Prompts
Sailing the Sea of Imagination
Describe your favorite imaginary hobby and its related activities.
Celebrating Family Traditions
Write about a specific family tradition in your household and why it’s important to you.
Seasonal Changes
Write about your favorite season and how it changes the appearance and lifestyle of your local environment.
Chef Wannabe
Imagine you’re the chef who prepares your favourite food. How would you do it differently?
The Magic of Storytelling
Write a narrative like you would have as a child, employing your favourite childhood themes and motives.
Childhood Havens
Write about your favourite childhood hangout spot, whether real or invented, and how you felt there.
Stepping into Another’s Shoes
Imagine you are the protagonist of your favourite fairy tale. How would you react to the challenges faced by the…
Tea Parties with Imaginary Friends
Write about a dream tea party with all your favourite fairy tale characters present there.
Turning the Clock Back
Choose one of your favourite fairy tales from your childhood and rewrite the ending.
Nostalgic Reverie
Write a heartfelt letter to yourself, describing your most favourite childhood hobby.
Reruns of Favorite Childhood Shows
Write about a favourite TV show or movie from your childhood, and how it made you feel.
Frozen Hearts Melted
The ice queen has frozen your favourite Christmas movie characters in time. How would you unfreeze them and restore Christmas…
Whiskered Companions
Create a biographical sketch of a family pet or animal you have known.
My Favourite Planet
Pick your favourite planet in the solar system and describe what you love about it.
Holiday Blues and Silver Linings
Discuss how you cope with post-holiday blues and spotlight the little things that help.
An Unusual Day at School
Imagine arriving at school, only to discover all the teachers have been replaced by your favourite cartoon characters. What happens…
The Food Gratitude List
List your top 5 favourite healthy foods and elaborate on why you appreciate them.
Mystical Creature Encounter
Write an exciting story about a day spent with your favourite mythical creature.
School Time Machine
If you had a time machine and could travel to any time in the school day, where would you go…
Father’s favorite pastime
Choose your father’s favourite pastime and discuss why it is special to him and how he has shared it with…
The Forgotten Lore
Pick a trivial or overlooked aspect of your favourite universe and develop it into a full-fledged story.
Unseen Epilogue
Write an ending for a book, movie, or series you feel ended prematurely or unsatisfactorily.
Delicious Fall Treats
Describe a traditional Fall treat that you enjoy baking or eating during your vacation time.
Easter Bunny’s Favourite Treat
Write a fictional short story about the Easter Bunny’s favourite food and why it’s his personal favourite.
Masterchef at Home
Step by step, explain a recipe of your favourite dish and describe why you love it.
The Time-Travelling Nutcracker
Create an adventure starring a magical nutcracker doll that teleports you to different moments from past Christmases.
Stuck in a Book
You wake up one day to find yourself in the world of your favorite book. Describe your journey.
Ben the Bookworm’s Fantastical Adventure
Write a story that follows the character of Ben, a book-loving boy, who gets magically sucked into his favourite book.
Zoetic Zeppelin
Journey through your life using each letter of the alphabet as a stepping stone to write about the different stages…
Journey to Candy Land
Imagine a world made completely out of candy and describe one day’s journey within it.
Epic Pokemon Battle
Write a dramatic, high-stakes battle scene in verse, between your favourite Pokemon.
Repairing the Irreplaceable
Narrate an emotional journey of a wizard who must attempt to repair their damaged wand.
Firing the Cannon
Write a piece in which you feed the fanfiction prompt generator your favorite canonical moment from a fandom and see…
Imagine that your two favourite characters who were once childhood friends, separate and meet years later under different circumstances.
Resilient Villains
Imagine a scenario where the main antagonist from a popular action movie survives and plots revenge.
Behind the Explosions
Write an alternate timeline where the climactic explosion at the end of your favourite action movie never happened.
Reel to Reality
Take a fictional movie scenario and write a story about how it would realistically unfold.
Behind The Scenes
Imagine the story of a minor character from your favourite movie and then thrust them into the spotlight.
Time Altered
Write a story where a character travels either back or forward in time, changing the course of the book.
Beyond the Game Over Screen
Re-imagine the conclusion of a favourite game, and unravel the narrative possibilities beyond the normal game ending.
Self-Care Rituals
Journal about your favourite self-care rituals, why you love them, and how they make you feel.