19+ ‘ReFrame’ Writing Prompts
Rewriting the Script of Insecurity
Reframe a painful situation that triggered an insecurity and rewrite it with a positive outcome.
Journey of Emotions
Describe a single emotion as a journey, including its high and low points, obstacles and rewards.
The Mirror of Self-Acceptance
Write about something you have struggled to accept about yourself, then reframe it as a strength.
Reimagining Your Narrative
Recount a negative experience from your life, then rewrite it focusing on the strength, growth or wisdom you gained from…
Unveiling Superpowers
Describe a situation where you felt powerless and then rewrite it highlighting your coping skills or resilience.
Revisiting Past Regrets
Think of a past regret. Write about what happened, how you felt then, and how you feel now.
Embracing Solitude
Write about a time when you felt comfortable in your own company, describing your actions, feelings, and thoughts.
Re-frame and Unchain
List down your unhealthy habits and attempt to reframe each into a healthy alternative.
Unleashing the Hero Within
Visualize a situation where your fear becomes a strength.
Unveiling Positivity
Write about a positive event or accomplishment that occurred recently, no matter how small.
Shading Your Unique Perspective
Write a piece on how you perceive the world differently from the people around you, focusing on a positive or…
Finding Silver Linings
Write about a difficult situation from your past and try to find at least one positive outcome from it.
Reframing Negativity
Write about a negative event from your past, but reframe it in a positive light.
Rewriting Painful Memories
Rewrite a painful or traumatic memory by changing the narrative to a more positive or empowering outcome.
Re-drafting History
Think of an event from your past and rewrite it in a way that creates a positive outcome.
Journey to Self-Discovery
Write about your depression as if it were a journey or quest. Where does the journey take you?
Challenging Catastrophic Thoughts
Write about a recent situation when you felt overwhelmed by anxiety, and challenge irrational or catastrophic thoughts related to it.