11+ ‘Holding You’ Writing Prompts
Melting Ice Goals
Write about a goal that feels ‘frozen’ at the moment and explore ways to ‘melt the ice’
Spring Cleaning Reflections
Pen down your thoughts and feelings about letting go of old habits or items.
Unmasking Creative Demons
Write about obstacles or fears that you believe are causing your writer’s block.
Unseen Embrace
Write a story in which you can feel the unseen presence of your departed loved one holding you during moments…
Window to Dreamland
Describe a passion that you haven’t yet pursued but would like to, and explore what’s holding you back.
Understand the Distractions
Identify distractions that might hinder your productivity and list ways to minimize these distractions.
The Art of Letting Go
Write about something you struggle to let go and design a goodbye ceremony for it.
Breaking Free
List three things or situations you feel the need to disentangle yourself from.
Questioning Boundaries
Write about a personal limiting belief limiting you and how it has impacted your life.
Navigating Assertiveness
Address an issue where you feel you need to be assertive but are struggling to do so.