The Last Goodbye

Write about a final goodbye – to a person, a place, or a phase of life.

Final goodbyes are often emotional affairs full of complex feelings of sadness, relief, or anticipation for what lies ahead. This prompt can extract stories circled around the profoundness of endings, and the inevitability of change. Explore how that farewell changed you and what new beginnings it paved the way for. It encourages introspective writing that lays bare the human condition dealing with loss, transition, closure, or growth.

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One response

  1. Riley Swope Avatar
    Riley Swope

    My grandpa pased 5 years ago and his birthday was yesterday my family didn’t care but I still celebrated for him beacaus he was my best friend and I love him so much. But at least he’s not in pain anymore and he’s happier there. I wish he was here with me today to see me start middle school and see me get married when I do and be a great gramma when I have kids. I hope he’s having a wonderful life now and I wish him the best of luck in his own heaven.❤️

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