11+ ‘Lightning’ Writing Prompts
African Amazement
Create a story that explores the South African vampire mythology of the Impundulu or Lightning Bird.
The Masterstroke of the Heavens
Imagine yourself as a lightning bolt and describe your journey from the clouds to the ground.
The Monsoon’s Arrival
Describe the changes in the jungle atmosphere with the arrival of the monsoon season.
Magical Artefacts
Prompt your readers to write about a unique magical object that is central to the plot of their fantasy series.
Shelter From The Storm
Narrate an experience when you had to seek shade or shelter during a summer storm.
Primordial Soup Stir
Imagine the conditions under which life first originated on Earth and describe this event.
Nature’s Symphony
Write a tale about nature that holds a hidden musical quality, expressing emotions with different weathers and seasons.