16+ ‘Harvest festival’ Writing Prompts
Autumn Harvest Festival
Imagine and describe in detail a new harvest festival tradition that your family could start.
Harvest Festival
Imagine that your town is holding a harvest festival. Write about how you’d like to contribute.
Harvest Festival Traditions
Write about a community or family tradition associated with the late-summer harvest.
Moon’s Harvest Festival
Describe a festival held in honor of October’s Harvest Moon in a fantastic land.
Harvest Festival Tales
Imagine a local harvest festival unique to your fictional community, complete with culture, traditions, and rituals.
Festive Fall Beats
Imagine you’re a DJ for a fall festival, write about the kind of music you’d play to capture the spirit…
Harvest Festivities
Write about a harvest festival that you attended or would like to have attended.
Harvest Festival Adventures
Write about a make-believe adventure a pumpkin has after being picked from the patch before becoming a pie.